Erinnerung von Unihertz zum Titan Pocket
Geschrieben von Oliver amMit dem Update zum Projekt Nr. 7 erinnert Unihertz daran, dass einige Käufer des Unihertz Titan Pocket noch nicht auf den Fragebogen geantwortet haben und das die Produktion ab August 2021 erfolgen soll:
We sent out a survey last week and we're really glad to get your feedback! There are still 709 backers who haven't completed their survey, please fill out the survey if you haven't already done so. Completing the survey in time helps us deliver your reward as scheduled.
We plan to mass-produce Titan Pocket in August and will continue to send you the latest updates.
Moreover, we will lock down the survey around mid-August to prepare for the shipment. Once the survey is locked down, you will not be able to purchase any addons or modify your shipping address. Please make sure that you've completed everything correctly before that and seize the last opportunity to get the addons at their best prices.
(Quelle: Unihertz)