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Nachricht von OnwardMobility

Heute Nachmittag erreichte mich eine Nachricht von OnwardMobility, die ich euch gerne zur Verfügung stelle:

As the year draws to a close, we’d like to take a moment to thank you for your interest in OnwardMobility. It’s the first step toward mobile invincibility.

It’s no secret 5G devices, and the technology to ensure data security, will revolutionize the way enterprises and industries conduct business.

In the coming weeks and months, OnwardMobility will announce new details about the exciting work we’re doing to help you be more productive, more efficient and more secure than ever before.

Unstoppable force that you are, you’re probably one step ahead of us with questions, needs, and insights about how OnwardMobility can help your business. And we have a solution for that, too. 

We’ve already heard back from a number of you. Thank you for your feedback and contributions.

For those yet to do so, simply follow us on social media, or shoot us an e-mail at cannotwait@onwardmobility.com and let us know what you’re thinking.

Here’s to enjoying a tremendous holiday season and heading into the New Year focused, on point, and determined to a create with us a more secure, more successful future. 


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Bernd am :

Gerade ist noch ein Tweet abgesetzt worden. Sind zwar "nur" Weihnachts- und Neujahrswünsche, aber immerhin. Es tut sich wieder was.

Olly am :

Genau, gönnen wir ihnen eine Weihnachtspause!

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