Wieder Lebenszeichen von OnwardMobility
Geschrieben von Oliver amViel zu lange gab es keine Informationen von OnwardMobility bezüglich des schon für 2021 angekündigten BlackBerry 5G oder zu ihren Aktivitäten selbst.
Neuigkeiten gab es nur spärlich von Personen, die einer strengen Verschwiegenheitserklärung unterliegen, nur vage etwas mitteilen konnten und offiziell oft nur ihre persönliche Einschätzung wiedergegeben haben.
Nun endlich hat sich OnwardMobility gemeldet und mitgeteilt, dass es das Unternehmen noch gibt und nicht tot ist, wie vielfach schon vermutet wurde.
Nachfolend die Mitteilung im Original:
To all of you who have patiently waited so long for updates from OnwardMobility, we are humbly aware that we owe you some form of communication as we enter 2022. And to misquote Mark Twain, as so many do, “Contrary to popular belief, we are not dead.”
We’ve read all your Facebook and LinkedIn comments, articles, Tweets, email messages and more, and not only do we understand your frustration, but we genuinely share it. Everyone has eagerly awaited additional information following our last announcement, but 2021 was truly a challenging year to launch a new phone, much less one with the high expectations we set and the fact that we want to get it right!
While we encountered various delays that prevented us from shipping in 2021, we will be providing more regular updates starting this month that will clarify and answer many of your questions about the ultra-secure 5G enterprise smartphone (still with a keyboard!) we’re bringing to market.
All of us at OnwardMobility are incredibly grateful for the community of loyal users for this opportunity. To the media: we’ll be ready to deliver news and speak with you soon and we look forward to it.
We sincerely apologize for our silence and truly appreciate your patience. In the meantime, we wish everyone a healthy start to the New Year!
All the best,
The OnwardMobility Team
(Quelle: onwardmobility.com)
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