Auf dem hauseigenen Blog hat BlackBerry weitere Funktionen für den BlackBerry Messenger angekündigt.
Nachdem BBM Voice und Video nun auch in Europa zur Verfügung steht und ab Mitte Juli weltweit angeboten wird, sollen im Spätsommer u.a. folgende Funktionen hinzukommen:
-Registrierung auch per Telefonnummer
-Abgleich des Telefonbuchs auf vorhandene BBM-Nutzer (sofern diese per Telefonnummer registriert)
-Verbesserungen beim Gruppenchat
-Erweiterte Möglichkeiten der Rücknahme gesendeter Sticker, Dateien und Anhänge
-Android-Nutzer werden längere Videos versenden können
-iOS-Nutzer bekommen die Möglichkeit, Chat- und Gruppenmitteilungen lautlos zu stellen
Nachfolgend der entsprechende Auszug aus dem Artikel von BlackBerry:
"This 1.0 version of BBM Video is part of a larger BBM release, currently slated for later this summer. That version will also include a couple of other exciting feature requests from users: phone number registration, improvements to group chats, and expanded message retraction for stickers, files, and other content. Plus, Android users will be able to share larger videos with their contacts. And iOS users will be able to mute chat and group notifications.
Phone-number registration has consistently been at the top of the customer request list. This new feature will allow iOS and Android users to create a BBM account with a phone number instead of an email address. This streamlines the sign-up process significantly and provides a more reliable way to secure your contact network. It also creates a more reliable method for resetting forgotten passwords, as people are moving toward having a single phone number and keeping it longer than they keep their email addresses.
Phone-number registration will also make it easier to find and add new BBM Contacts. BBM will be able to match the phone numbers of people in your device’s address book with people who have registered for BBM with their phone number. BBM will then list these contacts in your app as People You Know, meaning you can initiate a chat with them in just a few taps.
Don’t worry: we’re not doing away with PINs or Costum PINs. We’re simply adding another option for added flexibility, giving people more than one way to sign up."
Den vollständigen Artikel fndet ihr auf dem Inside BlackBerry Blog.